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Dear Oak Parents & Community,
Welcome to the 2016-17 school year!

I hope to see you later today at the PTA Back to School Social & Bike Rodeo. Class lists will be posted and there will be lots of opportunities to get involved at Oak. It’s a great time to meet new families and students joining us this year as well as hear about everyone’s terrific summers!
This is the first edition of this year’s Notes from Oak. It is emailed on Sunday evenings and contains loads of information about our school. I encourage you to take time to read it each week as it is the primary communication source to the community.

Please also watch for an invitation to our community on UptoUs. It is the primary communication tool for room parents and whole school events/volunteer opportunities.

There are some traffic and parking reminders in the section below. Please take a look at those (and share them with people who may be driving your children!).
Please help me welcome some wonderful new staff members joining us this year:

  • Ms. Haley Heliker - 1st grade
  • Ms. Lori Loftus - 3rd grade
  • Mrs. Marie Goodman - Kindergarten
  • Mrs. Dolores McQuilkin - Speech & Language Specialist

Once again, welcome back! Here’s to a TREMENDOUS year!

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Amy Romem

What is The Responsive Classroom Approach?

Visit this link to learn more about this new approach.

Medications will be available for pick up from June 10th 2015 (last day of school) to June 16th 2015. We cannot store medications over the summer. If you are leaving before school ends, please pick up medications early. An Adult must pick up medication.

Under California's new local control funding scheme, all school districts are required to complete a Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP) that represents their spending plans on services for students including identified sub groups of students. Each district must engage and involve its constituents (stakeholders) in the development of its LCAP and make a copy of the plan available to the public for review and comment. The LCAP must be adopted by the district's Board of Trustees following a public hearing at the same meeting it adopts its 2015-2016 budget.

Click here for a draft of LASD's LCAP, which is scheduled for adoption on June 22, 2015.  If you wish to comment on the LCAP, please send your comments to Superintendent Jeff Baier at

6th Grade Families - Attention!

Students currently in 6th grade must have proof of a Tdap or Dtap (Pertussis or Whooping Cough) booster given after their 7th birthday (after 10th birthday is recommended) in order to begin 7th grade in August of 2015. Please provide a copy of your child’s immunization record to your current school office as soon as possible.

Here is the presentation given by Oak's principal on Dec 11th, 2013. Below are important resources for sharing

Resource Name Link
Common Core Resources for Parents
Roadmaps by Grade Level
CDE parent resources
Silicon Valley Community Foundation Resources


January 2014 Coffee with Principal

Date: January 30, 2014

Theme: Literacy Strategy

Speakers: Karina Salmon & Emily Wood

Location: Multi-purpose room

2012-13 Back to Schook Checklist going live on Aug 20th. Visit BTS page for more information.

Class Lists will be posted on Monday August 20th at Oak School. No event on Sunday August 19th will be held.

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